We have a wide variety of products for all types of companies. Quote with us! we have the solution you are looking for.

Do you know how your telecommunications network it´s working?

In Redecom Ingeniería we help you to review and validate it´s operation through specialized equipment.
We design, build and develop a solid and efficient structured cabling network, the one your company needs.
Through IPX protocols or analog applications such as ISDN communications, we design multiservice networks with enough versatility to provide voice, data, video and, in general, everything that can be transmitted by cable.
Design tailored to your Project, personalized attention giving added value to your processes.
Hand to hand with the best brands, we offer the best quality in our services in this way our solutions will always have a quality guarantee.
Certified production processes, complying with national and international norms, standards and certifications, guaranteeing optimal results in our processes.

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