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Do you know how your wireless network (WiFI) works?

At Redecom Ingeniería, we have technological tools such as the radiofrequency Site Survey, with this process in place we will be able to determine the optimal configuration of a wireless network and the location of the wireless access points to provide adequate signal coverage (speed or performance data) over a given area.
The wireless connection of a company or workspace is a preponderant point, since it will maintain communication in places where your Local Network or Lan is out of reach or to communicate to smartphones, tablets or office equipment, the Wi-Fi communication must be reliable and of adequate speed for your workers or clients, since not being able to have adequate communication, it can mean a loss of money.
WPAN: Wireless Personal Area Network.
WLAN: Wireless Local Area Network.
WMAN: Wireless Metropolitan Area Network.
WWAN: Wireless Wide Area Network.

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